Dear IADVL members
Namaste IADVL
Applications are invited for IADVL Training Course-2025 in the following subjects and centers
The training courses are open for IADVL LMs or PLMs for a duration of Four months with a stipend of Rs 30,000 per month (subject to approval in AGBM). The course has a curriculum approved by the IADVL Academy and will have formative and summative evaluation. A logbook of cases attended and/ or procedures done etc. is to be maintained. Applicants should have obtained their MD or diploma or DNB in dermatology (and not still pursuing their studies). They should not be working in the same institution or in same city. Applicants with keen interest in the field of subspecialty as evident by previous IADVL observership in the same speciality will be given preference. The four months training can be split in two halves, if the program director approves.
Applications should be sent in the attached format, specifying the choice of centre, with their CV to and to by December 20, 2024. The list of successful candidates, selected by the IADVL Academy on the basis of merit and the possible utility of the training in the discharge of their duties, will be announced during DERMACON 2025.
Certificate and stipend will be disbursed only after successful completion of the training and on receipt of the post-training course evaluation, training logbook and duly filled feedback forms from both the Program Director and Observer.
Please send in the application form (attached) in the WORD FORMAT only. Other formats will not be accepted
Selection Process:
The IADVL Academy will select candidates based on merit For further details, refer to the attached file or visit the IADVL website.
Best wishes,
Warm Regards
Dr. Manjunath Shenoy
President, IADVL
Dr. Bhumesh K Katakam
Hon. Secretary General, IADVL
Dr. Rajeev Sharma
President-Elect, IADVL
LM/UP & UK/2251
Dr. Sunil Dogra
Chairperson, IADVL Academy
Dr. Nilay Kanti Das
Convener, IADVL Academy
Dr. Jyoti Jayaraman