Announcement Details

Announcement for René Touraine Fondation Art Contest

May 09 2024

Announcement for René Touraine Fondation Art Contest

Dear IADVL Members

The René Touraine Fondation has invited the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venerologists and Leprolegists to take part in the 2024 “The Story of My Skin” Art Contest.

Since 2015, the Rare Disease Network of the fondation has been running an international art contest to raise public awareness about rare skin diseases and also to enable patients to express themselves about it. 

The Art Contest started on February 29th, 2024 during International Rare Disease Day and will finish on May 20th, 2024 (extended deadline). 


This year, the theme is “My skin and you”

Please find attached the Art Contest poster as well as contest rules

All information on our website: 

If you need further details please contact us at: 

We are looking forward to your enthusiastic participation in this activity!

Best regards,


Dr Manjunath Shenoy.                           Dr Bhumesh K Katakam

(President, IADVL)                                    (Hon. Secretary General, IADVL)

Dr Sunil Dogra                                         Dr Nilay Kanti Das

(Chairperson, IADVL Academy)             (Convener IADVL Academy)

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