Dear Members,
Please find attached the draft of updated IADVL Constitution after incorporating the comments/ suggestions from the Executive Committee, Central Council, and advisors.
Kindly go through the same for the opinion/suggestions of the members.
Request to follow the colour code for interpretation:
1. Black- To be retained
2. Red - To be deleted
3. Green- To be incorporated
4. Blue - Comments
Also, find attached the table for comments. Members are requested to provide their comments in the prescribed table to make further processing easy.
Request members to submit the comments on or before 12th October 2021 to
The comments/suggestions of the members shall be addressed in the Extraordinary General Body meeting which shall be called for shortly for ratification of the updated Constitution.
Thank you.
Dr. Venkataram Mysore
Chairperson, Constitution Committee
Dr. Anuradha Kakkanatt Babu
Convener, Constitution Committee
Dr. Jayadev Betkerur
President, IADVL
Dr. K Feroz
Hon Secretary General, IADVL