Announcement Details

Announcement for applications for IADVL Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 2020-2021- Coordinators/ Convener/ Members

Feb 06 2020

Dear IADVL Members,

As desired by the Executive Committee, IADVL-2020 and approved in the Annual General Body meeting held at DERMACON, Pune, the erstwhile SIG- Laser and aesthetics is to be divided into two separate SIGs-SIG- Lasers and SIG- Aesthetics. Additionally, applications for membership of SIG- Geriatric dermatology are also invited. Those who sent their applications in response to the previous call need not reapply.

Hence, applications are invited from IADVL Life Members (LMs) for Coordinator/Convener/ Member of the following SIGs, with a tenure of 2 years:

  1. SIG- Lasers
  2. SIG- Aesthetics
  3. SIG- Geriatric Dermatology



•     Original work in the field defined by at least two original publications in the field as first or corresponding author

•     10 years in the practice of the field

•     Preferably who has worked as member of the SIG in the past



•     Original work in the field defined by at least 1 original publications in the field as first or corresponding author

•     8 years in the practice of the field

•     Preferably who has worked as member of the SIG in the past



•     Practitioner or a teacher for 5 years

•     Should have at least one publication in a PUBMED Indexed journal  or one chapter  or five  oral presentations in the SIG  speciality at State, Zonal or National level

•     Should be computer savvy



•     Multicentric studies and research are the primary role of SIG

•     To design at least 2 research projects within first six months of constitution of SIG

•     Conduction of seminars, workshops, publication of books related to the scope of SIG

•     Thesis topics and research topics where research work is required in a subject related to SIG


Membership provides an opportunity to play an active role in the development of the specialty and contribute to the growth of the IADVL. Those who are not members of other SIGs will be preferred.

Please fill up the attached application form (mentioning the SIG you are interested in on the top of the application form as "Application for SIG __________  membership") and send it with your CV to and secretarygeneral@iadvl.orgThe last date for submission of application is 25.2.2020.


Best regards


Dr Deepika Pandhi                                                              Dr. Dipankar De

Chairperson ,IADVL Academy                                          Convener , IADVL Academy



Dr. Kiran Godse                                                                    Dr Feroz K

President, IADVL                                                                 Hon. Secretary General, IADVL


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