Dear members,
We are happy to announce for the first time - the Vision & Mission of IADVL.
We thank all EC and Constitution committee members, for their inputs in designing this.
Vision and Mission of IADVL
The vision of IADVL is to provide quality skin health for the community, continuing medical education to and advocacy on behalf of the members, speciality and patients.
The Mission
1.Enhancing the quality of and enabling better delivery of patient care and patient education in the field of Dermatology including its subspecialities, Venereology & Leprology through medical and surgical modalities.
2. Ensuring Continuing Medical Education, Research, for its members and active advocacy for the welfare of its members.
3. Collaborate, Cooperate & Co-ordinate with Government, National and International organizations to enable the improvement in skin health of the community.
Dr. Ramesh Bhat Dr. Umashankar Nagaraju
President, IADVL Honorary Secretary General, IADVL