We are happy to announce 105 scholarships of Rs 10,000/- each for IADVL members, attending the DERMACON 2017,Kolkata. www.dermacon2017kolkata.com: 35 each to LMs aged >35 yrs, LMs aged <35 yrs and PLMs...
Only registered delegates presenting a paper/poster, who have not obtained any DERMACON /MIDDERMACON , ADC or SARCD scholarship from the IADVL earlier, and have no other funding source (e.g. conference organizers, state branches, government, ICMR, pharmaceutical company, or institutions) are eligible. Those who have received fellowships/observerships earlier are eligible. Please note that IADVL members are eligible for only one national and one international conference scholarship in their lifetime .
Please mail the following to iadvlacademy@gmail.com and iadvlsecgen2016@gmail.com , mentioning 'Application for scholarship to DERMACON 2017 in the subject line:
The last date for application is 30-10-2016
The applications will be evaluated by independent judges and the results declared before the conference, while the grant will be disbursed on completion of the conference and submission of proof of attendance.
Dr Devesh Mishra
President, IADVL
Dr Shyamanta Barua
Hon. Secretary General, IADVL
Dr Ameet Valia
Chairperson,IADVL Academy
Dr K A Seetharam
Convener,IADVL Academy